Talk is cheap, show me the code.

I am currently working as a Software Engineer for Xilinx Inc., focussing on developing software tools for FPGA Device Model Verification and am based out of Hyderabad, India. I am also pursuing my Masters in Data Science from IIT (Indian Institute of Technology), Hyderabad. Prior to this, I worked as Software Engineer at MulticoreWare Inc. for almost 3 years where I developed avid interest in Machine Learning specifically in the field of Convolutional Neural Networks. I worked on developing optimized CNN algorithms for embbeded DSPs.

I received my Bachelors degree in Computer Science and Engineering from VIT University, Vellore.

In this blog I will post mostly Machine Learning stuff as and when I learn or implement something. I strongly believe in Andrew Ng’s theory that AI is the new electricity and I also believe that open source community has a great role to play to make it a reality. This blog is my mite contribution for the cause.

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